An interview with Matthew Hughes / Matthew Hughes ; Mark DePue, interviewer. 2008.


An interview with Matthew Hughes / Matthew Hughes ; Mark DePue, interviewer. 2008.

An interview of Matthew Hughes conducted by Mark DePue for the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. Topics discussed include Future Farmers of America; Doane Marketing Research; GrowMark; land ownership vs. renting; cash rent vs. share renting land; Illinois Soybean Association; soybean farming in China; soybean combines; auger wagons; equipment depreciation; soybean hybrids; soybean genetics; and soybean marketing strategies.

3 ProDVC tapes.

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Future Farmers of America (corporateBody)

National FFA Organization, formerly known as Future Farmers of America, was founded in 1928. The Future Farmers of America brings together students, teachers and agribusiness to solidify support for agricultural education in middle and high schools where members are engaged in a wide range of curriculum and FFA activities leading to career opportunities in agriculture. From the description of Future Farmers of America scrapbooks, 1959-1962 [manuscript]. (North Carolina State Universi...

Hughes, Matthew W. (person)

Born on July 19, 1965 in Litchfield, Ill., and grew up on the family farm nearby. He developed a strong interest in farming while growing up, but was encouraged to go to college due to his excellent grades and leadership potential. Matt began college in 1983 at the University of Illinois, majoring in Animal Sciences. Upon graduation, he continued his education, now majoring in Agricultural Economics. He still had a strong interest in returning to the farm, but was now encouraged to check out oth...

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DePue, Mark R. (person)

GrowMark. (corporateBody)